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Sides for Beer Can Chicken

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There are many different sides that can be served with beer can chicken. Some popular sides include roasted potatoes, grilled vegetables, corn on the cob, and baked beans. There are endless possibilities when it comes to sides for beer can chicken, so get creative and experiment to find your perfect combination!

Beer can chicken is a great summertime meal that’s perfect for grilling. There are a variety of sides that go well with Beer Can Chicken, so you can choose whatever you like best. Some good side options include: corn on the cob, baked beans, coleslaw, potato salad, or green beans.

You could also serve some warm rolls and butter on the side. For dessert, why not try a grilled peach or nectarine? Whatever sides you choose, they’re sure to be a hit when served with a beer can chicken!

Sides for Beer Can Chicken


What To Serve With Beer Can Chicken: 10 AMAZING Sides

Here are ten amazing sides for beer can chicken:

Grilled vegetables

Zucchini, bell peppers, and maize are excellent examples of grilled veggies that would be great Sides for Beer Can Chicken. To make them, just cut the selected veggies into bite-sized pieces, drizzle on some oil, then sprinkle on some salt and pepper. Then, grill them over high heat until they are tender and charred. This can be done on a separate grill or on the same grill as the beer can chicken. Serve the grilled vegetables hot, either as a side dish or as a topping for the chicken.

Baked potatoes

Baked potatoes are a classic side that complements the flavors of beer can chicken. It is a great side dish for beer can chicken because they are simple to prepare, filling, and versatile. They also have a mild flavor that complements the rich and smoky flavors of the beer can chicken.


Coleslaw is a great sides dish for beer can chicken because its tangy and crunchy texture provides a nice contrast to the rich and smoky flavors of the chicken. It is also a relatively low-maintenance side dish that can be prepared in advance, making it a convenient option for a busy weeknight dinner or outdoor barbecue.

Read: Is it ok for chicken to be a little pink?

Macaroni salad

Macaroni salad is a creamy and delicious side dish that goes well with beer can chicken. To prepare it:

  1. Cook 8 ounces of elbow macaroni according to the package instructions until al dente. Drain and rinse with cold water.

  2. In a large bowl, whisk together 1 cup of mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons of yellow mustard, 2 tablespoons of white vinegar, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of salt.

  3. Add the cooked macaroni, 1 cup of diced celery, 1/2 cup of diced red onion, and 1/2 cup of diced dill pickles to the bowl and mix well.

  4. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, or up to 2 hours, to allow the flavors to meld.

  5. Before serving, give the macaroni salad a good stir and taste for seasoning. Adjust as necessary with additional salt, vinegar, or sugar.

Baked beans

Baked beans can be served as a side dish with beer can chicken, which is a popular barbecue recipe where a whole chicken is roasted upright on top of an open can of beer. The combination of the juicy and flavorful beer-infused chicken and the hearty and savory baked beans creates a delicious and satisfying meal. The baked beans can be prepared simply by heating canned or homemade baked beans in a saucepan or oven, or they can be dressed up with additional seasonings and toppings, such as chopped bacon, onion, or BBQ sauce.

Garlic bread

Garlic bread can be served as a complementary side dish to beer can chicken, which is a classic barbecue recipe where a whole chicken is roasted upright on top of an open can of beer. The garlic bread can be made by spreading butter or olive oil mixed with garlic and herbs on slices of bread and toasting them in the oven until they are crispy and golden brown.


Cornbread is a staple side dish that goes perfectly with beer-can chicken. If you’re unfamiliar, beer can chicken is a classic barbecue recipe where you roast a whole chicken on top of an open can of beer. It creates a juicy and flavorful dish that pairs perfectly with the sweet and dense texture of cornbread. Cornbread is made with cornmeal and is often a staple in Southern cuisine. Serve it up warm with a pat of butter or a drizzle of honey and you’ve got the perfect side to go with your beer-can chicken. The savory chicken and the slightly crumbly, sweet cornbread make for a delicious and well-rounded meal.

Roasted carrots

Roasted carrots are a fantastic side dish to serve with beer can chicken. The tender and juicy chicken pairs perfectly with the sweetness and char of roasted carrots. To make roasted carrots, simply toss sliced carrots with a little bit of olive oil, salt, and your favorite spices. Roast them in the oven until they’re tender and slightly charred and you’ve got a delicious side dish. Roasted carrots not only taste great but are also a nutritious addition to your meal. Serve them up with your beer can chicken and you’ve got a well-rounded and flavorful meal that’s sure to please.

Grilled corn on the cob

Grilled corn on the cob is a classic barbecue side dish that pairs perfectly with beer can chicken. This is a breeze to make and adds a sweet and smoky flavor to your meal. To make it, simply brush your corn with some olive oil or melted butter, wrap it in foil or husks, and grill until it’s slightly charred and tender. It’s a classic side dish that’s both easy to prepare and perfect for serving with beer can chicken.

Salad greens

It’s a great side dish to serve with beer can chicken. Salad greens, like lettuce, arugula, spinach, or mixed greens, are a crisp and refreshing addition to the meal. Simply toss the greens with your favorite dressing, toppings, and seasonings to make a tasty salad. The crisp and refreshing greens will balance out the richness of the chicken, making for a well-rounded and satisfying meal. Serve the salad alongside the juicy beer can chicken for a delicious and healthy meal that everyone will enjoy.

What Beer Goes Well With Beer Can Chicken?

When it comes to beer can chicken, there are a few different schools of thought. Some people like to use the same beer that they’ll be drinking with the meal, while others prefer to use a lighter beer or even non-alcoholic beer. There are pros and cons to both approaches, but ultimately it’s up to you to decide what you think tastes best.

If you’re using the same beer that you’ll be drinking with the meal, it’s important to choose one that will complement the flavors of the chicken. A light lager or pilsner is a good choice, as is an amber ale or wheat beer. Avoid using dark beer, as it can make the chicken taste too bitter.

If you’re using a lighter beer or non-alcoholic beer, your goal should be to keep the chicken from drying out. Look for a light-bodied beer with low alcohol content. Ales and lagers are usually too heavy for this purpose, but something like Coors Light or O’Doul’s might work well.

How Do You Eat Beer Can Chicken?

How do you eat beer can chicken? It’s easy! Just remove the chicken from the can, place it on a plate, and enjoy.

Some people like to add barbecue sauce or other seasonings, but beer can chicken is delicious on its own. Just be careful not to burn yourself on the hot can.

What is a Good Side Dish With Chicken Breast?

There are many different types of side dishes that can be served with chicken breast. Some popular choices include rice, potatoes, vegetables, and salad. When choosing a side dish, it is important to consider the overall meal and what will complement the chicken breast.

For example, if the chicken is being served with a light sauce, then a heavier side dish like mashed potatoes would not be a good choice. Likewise, if the chicken is being served with a strong flavor such as curry, then a lighter side dish like rice or salad would be a better option. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what they think would be best.

Read: how long to cook chicken wings in oven at 400?

Is Coke Good for a Beer Can Chicken?

If you’re looking to add a little flavor to your beer can chicken, Coke is a great option! The sugar in the soda will caramelize on the skin of the chicken as it cooks, giving it a delicious sweet, and savory flavor. Just be sure to use regular Coke and not Diet Coke, as the artificial sweeteners in diet sodas can give the chicken an unpleasant taste.

Beer Can Chicken | Basics with Babish

Beer Can Chicken Dinner Menu

This beer can chicken dinner menu is perfect for your next backyard BBQ! This recipe is easy to follow and results in a delicious, juicy bird that’s full of flavor. The key to this dish is using a good quality beer.

We recommend using a craft beer that you enjoy drinking. This will ensure that your chicken turns out flavorful and moist. To start, you’ll need one whole chicken, a can of beer, and your favorite BBQ rub.

We like to use a combination of salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika. Rub the spice blend all over the outside of the chicken. Then, open the can of beer and place it inside the cavity of the chicken.

Place the chicken on the grill over indirect heat and cook for about 1 hour or until fully cooked through. Once your chicken is cooked through, remove it from the grill and let it rest for 10 minutes before carving. Serve with your favorite sides and enjoy!

Beer Can Chicken With Vegetables

Here’s a delicious, healthy recipe for beer can chicken with vegetables. This dish is perfect for a summer cookout! Ingredients:

1 whole chicken, 3-4 pounds 1 can of beer (12 ounces) 1 tablespoon olive oil

1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon garlic powder

Beer Can Chicken Without Stand

“Beer can chicken without stand” is a popular dish among backyard cooks. The premise is simple: A whole chicken is placed on top of an open beer can, which is then placed in the oven or on a grill. The heat from the cookery causes the beer to evaporate, infusing the bird with flavor and helping it to stay moist during cooking.

There are many variations on this theme, but the basic idea is always the same: Beer + Chicken = Deliciousness. Some folks like to spice up their birds with rubs or marinades before cooking, while others simply season them with salt and pepper. There are also those who swear by adding onions or other aromatics to the beer can itself.

No matter how you do it, beer can chicken is a fun and easy way to make a delicious meal. So fire up your grill (or oven) and give it a try!

Best Beer Can Chicken

Beer can chicken is a great way to cook chicken if you want it to be moist and juicy. The beer can prevents the chicken from drying out and also adds flavor. To make beer can chicken, you will need:

-1 whole chicken -1 can of beer (any kind will do) -Your favorite BBQ rub

First, preheat your grill to medium heat. While the grill is heating up, open the can of beer and drink about half of it. Then, take your BBQ rub and generously coat the outside of the chicken.

Place the chicken on the grill, over indirect heat, with the opened beer can inside of it. Cover the grill and let the chicken cook for 1-2 hours, or until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. When the chicken is done cooking, carefully remove it from the grill along with the beer can.

Let it rest for a few minutes before carving into it – this will give all those delicious juices time to reabsorb back into the meat! Enjoy!

Final Thought 

This beer can chicken recipe is super easy and yields a delicious, moist bird. The key is to use a good quality beer and make sure the can is well-coated with cooking spray so it doesn’t stick. For sides, I like to serve roasted potatoes and green beans.

This meal is perfect for a summer BBQ!


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