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How to Open Paper Towel Dispenser Without Key

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If your paper towel dispenser has a key, you can open it without the key by using a small flathead screwdriver. Turn the screwdriver counterclockwise after inserting it into the keyhole. If the dispenser does not have a keyhole, you can try opening it with a pen or pencil.

Insert the pen or pencil into the slot where the key would go and turn it counterclockwise.

  • Look for a small hole on the dispenser
  • This is usually located near the keyhole
  • Insert a paperclip or other thin object into the hole and push until you feel resistance
  • Turn the paperclip or object clockwise until the dispenser pops open
How to Open Paper Towel Dispenser Without Key


How Do You Open a Paper Towel Dispenser?

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give much thought to how you open a paper towel dispenser. But there’s actually a right way and a wrong way to do it. The next time you need to grab a paper towel, take a look at the dispenser.

You’ll notice that there are two handles – one on the top and one on the bottom. The top handle is used to dispense the paper towels, while the bottom handle is used to hold the roll in place. To open the dispenser, simply grip the top handle and pull it down.

The paper towels will start flowing out of the dispenser automatically. When you’re finished, just let go of the handle and it will snap back into place. It might seem like a small thing, but using the handles correctly will help ensure that your paper towel dispenser lasts for years to come.

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How to Open Paper Towel Dispenser Without Key

When you need to open a paper towel dispenser but don’t have the key, there are a few things you can try. First, see if there is a small hole on the back or side of the dispenser. If so, insert a paperclip or other thin object into the hole and turn.

This may release the lock. If not, try gently prying open the dispenser with a screwdriver or butter knife. Don’t accidentally break the dispenser.

There are a few different ways to open a paper towel dispenser without a key, depending on the specific dispenser you have. Some possible methods include:

  1. Using a flathead screwdriver: If the dispenser has a small keyhole on the side, you may be able to use a flathead screwdriver to turn the lock and open the dispenser.
  2. Using pliers: If the dispenser has a locking mechanism that can be pried open, you may be able to use pliers to grip and twist the mechanism until it opens.
  3. Using a paper clip: Straighten out a paper clip and try to insert it into the keyhole to turn the lock.
  4. Using a Butter Knife: Insert the knife between the dispenser and the wall, and try to gently pry it open.

You can always contact the manufacturer for help if everything else fails.

Other Methods

  1. Using a bobby pin: Straighten out a bobby pin and try to insert it into the keyhole to turn the lock. This method can work similarly to using a paper clip.
  2. Using a drill: If the dispenser has a locking mechanism that can be drilled open, you can use a drill with a small bit to make a hole in the mechanism, and then use a screwdriver to turn the lock.
  3. Using a hammer and chisel: If the dispenser has a locking mechanism that can be chiseled open, you can use a hammer and chisel to carefully remove the lock.
  4. Using a hacksaw: If the dispenser has a metal locking mechanism, you can use a hacksaw to cut through the lock and open the dispenser.
  5. Using a lock-picking set: If you have a lock-picking set, you can try using it to open the lock on the dispenser.

Please keep in mind that some of these methods may damage the dispenser, and attempting to open a dispenser without a key may void any warranty on the product.

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How to Open a Georgia Pacific Compact Toilet Paper Dispenser?

If you’re in need of a toilet paper dispenser and have a Georgia Pacific Compact model, here’s how to open it. First, locate the small hole near the top of the unit. Next, insert a paperclip or other small object into the hole and push down.

This will release the locking mechanism and allow you to open the lid. Inside, you’ll find two white plastic pieces – one with a slot for the toilet paper roll and one that holds it in place. To change out the roll, simply remove the old one and insert a new one in its place.

Be sure to line up the cardboard tube with the slot before pushing it back into place. That’s all there is to it!

How Do You Open the Kimberly Clark Manual Paper Towel Dispenser?

Assuming you are referring to the Scott/Kimberly Clark 09992 manual paper towel dispenser: To open, insert the key (included) into the lock located on top of unit and turn clockwise.

How Do You Open a Bay West Paper Towel Dispenser?

Assuming you are talking about the Bay West 89460 paper towel dispenser: To open this dispenser, first locate the keyhole on the bottom of the unit. Next, insert the provided key into the keyhole and turn it to the left.

This should unlock the door at the front of the unit. Once the door is unlocked, you can swing it open to access the paper towels inside.

open toilet paper device without key

How to Open C Fold Paper Towel Dispenser Without Key

Assuming you don’t have the key, there are a few ways to open a C-fold paper towel dispenser without one. One way is to use a putty knife or other thin, flat object to slip between the door and frame of the dispenser. You can also try using a wire hanger or paperclip to jimmy open the door.

If all else fails, you can always try taking the dispenser apart from the inside – though this will likely damage it and render it unusable afterwards.

How to Unlock a Georgia Pacific Paper Towel Dispenser without a Key

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give utilizing a paper towel dispenser a second thought. They’re ubiquitous in public places like bathrooms and kitchens, and they offer a convenient way to dry your hands or clean up spills. But what if there isn’t a key and you need to use one?

Luckily, it’s not as difficult as it might seem to open a Georgia-Pacific paper towel dispenser without a key. All you need is a small flathead screwdriver or similar tool. Just insert the tip of the screwdriver into the slot on the top of the dispenser, and turn counterclockwise until the dispenser pops open.

Then, you can replace the roll of paper towels and close it back up again by twisting clockwise until it locks in place. So next time you find yourself in a situation where there’s no key for a paper towel dispenser, don’t panic! Just grab a screwdriver (or anything else that will fit in that tiny slot), and you’ll be able to get access to those much-needed paper towels in no time.

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How to Open Enmotion Paper Towel Dispenser Without Key

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give utilizing a paper towel dispenser a second thought. They’re simple, easy to use, and usually work without any problems. But what happens when you need to open one without a key?

Thankfully, it isn’t as difficult as you may anticipate. With a little bit of patience and some basic tools, you can easily open an Enmotion paper towel dispenser without a key. Here’s what you’ll need:

– A flathead screwdriver – A Phillips head screwdriver – A small hammer

– A nail file or other sharp object First, locate the two screws on the back of the dispenser. These are typically hidden behind small plastic covers.

Use your flathead screwdriver to remove the covers and then unscrew the screws. Next, locate the nails that hold the front cover in place. There are usually three of them, located near the bottom of the dispenser.

Use your hammer to gently tap each nail until it comes loose from its hole. Once all three nails are removed, carefully lift off the front cover of the dispenser. Inside, you should see a small metal rod with a knob on one end.

This is what opens and closes the dispenser door. Simply turn the knob to open or close the door as needed!


Are you in a public restroom and realize you don’t have the key for the paper towel dispenser? Or maybe you’re at home and the key is lost. There is no reason to worry, whatever the situation.

A paper towel dispenser may be opened in a number of different ways without a key. One way is to use a credit card or some other type of thin, flexible object. Slide it into the space between the door and frame until you feel it hit the latch.

Then, apply pressure to open the door. Another method is to remove the screws that hold the dispenser onto the wall or countertop. Once they’re removed, you should be able to pry open the door with your hands or a flathead screwdriver.

Please take caution not to damage anything while doing this. If all else fails, you can always try asking someone for help or looking for another paper towel dispenser that doesn’t require a key.


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