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How Long Do Pez Candy Last

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Pez candy is one of those classic sweets that have been around for generations. And like many other candies, there is always the question of how long do they last? With Halloween right around the corner, we did a little digging to find out just how long that Pez candy can last.

PEZ candy lasts indefinitely if it is unopened and stored in a cool, dry place. Once opened, however, the candy will start to degrade and become less fresh-tasting. For best quality, consume PEZ within three months of opening the package.

It turns out that Pez candy has a pretty long shelf life. According to the website, most flavors of Pez will last for about two years when stored in a cool and dry place. However, there are some flavors that can last even longer – up to three years!

So if you’re looking for a candy that will last a while, Pez is definitely a good option. Of course, it’s important to remember that these are just estimates. Every person’s storage conditions are different, so your mileage may vary when it comes to how long your Pez will actually last.

But either way, you can rest assured knowing that these tasty treats will be around for quite some time!

10 Things You Didn’t Know About PEZ Candy

How Long Does It Take Pez Candy to Go Bad?

PEZ candy has a shelf life of about 2 years. However, the candy will start to lose its flavor after about 6 months. 

However, it can last longer if stored in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and heat. It’s also important to keep the packaging sealed to preserve freshness. If you notice any discoloration, discoloration, or an off smell, it’s best to discard the candy as it may have gone bad.

How Can You Tell How Old a Pez Is?

There are a few ways to tell how old a PEZ is. One way is to look at the copyright date on the bottom of the dispenser. The earliest PEZ dispensers had a Copyright symbol and the year 1952 on the bottom.

In later years, they added “Made In Austria” beneath the copyright information. Another way to tell how old a PEZ is, is by looking at the stem. Early stems were made of metal and later switched to plastic.

You can also tell by looking at the character on the dispenser. Early characters were mostly animals, and as time went on they began featuring more licensed characters like Mickey Mouse and Hello Kitty.

Can Pez Go Moldy?

No, PEZ candy cannot go moldy because it is made with a special ingredient that prevents mold from growing. However, if the candy is left in a humid or wet environment for too long, it can start to dissolve and become sticky.

How to Tell If PEZ Has Expired?

To determine if PEZ candy has expired, you can check for the following signs:

  • Discoloration: If the candy has a discolored appearance, it may have expired.
  • Off smell: If the candy has an off smell, it may have expired and should not be consumed.
  • Change in texture: If the candy has become hard or sticky, it may have expired.
  • Packaging: If the packaging is damaged, open, or torn, it may have expired and should not be consumed.

It’s always best to err on the side of caution and discard PEZ candy if you notice any of these signs or if it has been stored for longer than 18 months.

How to Store PEZ Candy?

To store PEZ candy, it is important to keep it in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and heat. Here are a few tips for storing PEZ candy:

  1. Keep it sealed: Make sure the packaging is sealed tightly to preserve freshness.
  2. Avoid humidity: Avoid storing PEZ candy in a place with high humidity, as this can cause the candy to become sticky and lose its texture.
  3. Avoid extreme temperatures: Avoid storing PEZ candy in a place that is too hot or too cold, as this can affect the candy’s texture and flavor.
  4. Keep it away from strong odors: Avoid storing PEZ candy near strong-smelling foods or products, as this can affect the candy’s flavor.
  5. Store it in a cool dry place: A pantry or a cupboard is ideal, avoid storing it in a damp basement or a garage.
  6. Check expiration date: Make sure to check the expiration date on the packaging, and discard the candy if it has expired.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your PEZ candy stays fresh and retains its flavor and texture.

What Pez is Worth the Most Money?

PEZ dispensers are not only fun, but they can also be valuable collectibles. While the value of a PEZ dispenser can vary based on its condition and rarity, there are some that are worth more than others. Here is a look at the most valuable PEZ dispensers that you could find.

The most expensive PEZ dispenser ever sold was the prototype of the Mickey Mouse character from 1930. This rare piece was sold at auction for $7,000 in 2006. Other Mickey Mouse PEZ dispensers from the early days can also be quite valuable, with some selling for over $1,000.

Another rare and valuable PEZ dispenser is the “UFO” style from 1967. These were only produced for a short time and less than 1% of all UFO-style PEZ dispensers are believed to still exist today. One in mint condition recently sold for $4,000 at auction.

Other rare and sought-after styles include the 1961 “Space Gun” style, which can sell for over $2,000; the 1963 “Happy Face” style; and the 1974 “German Tank” style which has been known to sell for over $1,500. So, if you come across an old PEZ dispenser or two (or three!), it might be worth taking a closer look to see if you have a hidden treasure on your hands!

How Long Do Pez Candy Last


Why Does Pez Taste So Bad

If you grew up in the 90s, chances are you had a Pez dispenser. And if you had a Pez dispenser, chances are you remember that they tasted… not great. In fact, many people say that Pez tastes downright terrible.

So why does this sugary treat have such an unpleasant taste? There are a few theories out there. One is that Pez is made with cheap ingredients – and when it comes to candy, cheaper often means lower quality (and Taste).

Another theory posits that the flavorings used in Pez are simply too strong, making for an overwhelming and unpleasant experience. Whatever the reason, there’s no denying that Pez doesn’t taste great. But if you’re still curious about this childhood favorite, go ahead and give it another try – just don’t expect your tastebuds to be impressed.

Is Pez Candy Good

Yes, Pez candy is good! It’s a classic candy that has been around for decades, and it’s loved by kids and adults alike. The rectangular candies are fun to eat, and the dispensers are collectible.

Pez candy is made with sugar, corn syrup, and natural flavors. It’s gluten-free, nut-free, and vegan.

Pez Dispenser

A Pez dispenser is a device used to dispense small, individually wrapped pieces of candy. Pez dispensers are often collectible items, and many people enjoy using them as decorations or toys. Pez candies were first introduced in 1927, and the first Pez dispenser was patented in 1948.

The original Pez dispensers were much larger than the ones we see today, and they were intended to be used as cigarette lighters. In the 1950s, Pez began producing smaller dispensers that were more similar to the ones we know today. Pez dispensers come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and they can be decorated with any number of designs.

Some common themes for decorated Pez dispensers include characters from movies, television shows, or cartoons; animals; plants; flowers; and flags. There are also many “generic” designs that are not associated with any particular theme or character. Collecting Pez Dispensers has become a popular hobby for many people.

Some collectors focus on acquiring every different design of Pez Dispenser ever made, while others focus on collecting only those Dispensers that feature their favorite characters or themes. Still others try to find rare or unusual Dispensers that are not commonly found in stores. Whatever your focus may be, there is sure to be a large community of fellow collectors who can offer advice and support.

Pez Patent Numbers

For many people, Pez is synonymous with childhood. The little candy dispensers have been around for decades, and their popularity shows no signs of waning. What many people don’t know is that each Pez dispenser has its own unique patent number.

The first Pez dispenser was patented in 1927 by Austrian inventor Edmund Haas. The original Pez dispensers were much larger than the ones we know today and were intended to be used as a breath mint for smokers. Haas’ company, PEZ Candy Inc., continued to produce the dispensers until 1935 when the rights were sold to a German confectionery company.

In 1952, an American entrepreneur named Robert Hirschfeld bought the rights to Pez and began selling the candy in the United States. It wasn’t until 1955 that the now- iconic small size and character heads were introduced. Since then, over 1 billion Pez dispensers have been sold worldwide, and there are now hundreds of different characters available.

And each one of them has its own patent number! The earliest Pez dispensers had patent numbers in the range of 1,000,000 – 2,000,000. Today, most Pez Dispensers have a 7-digit number starting with 4 (4,XXX,XXX).

However, some special edition or limited release Dispensers will have an 8-digit number starting with 9 (9X4XXXXX). There are also a handful of older Dispensers with 6-digit numbers (XX4XXXX). So next time you’re enjoying some delicious Pez candies, take a closer look at your Dispenser and see what unique patent number it has!

Spotted Pez

If you’re a fan of Pez candy, you might be familiar with the company’s unique dispensers. But did you know that there are also collectible Pez dispensers? These dispensed are known as spotted Pez, and they’re highly sought after by collectors.

Spotted Pez dispensers are made by randomly applying spots to regular Pez dispensers. The spots can be any color, and they’re usually applied to the head or body of the dispenser. Sometimes, multiple colors are used on a single dispenser.

The number of spots on a spotted Pez dispenser can vary, but most have between 10 and 20 spots. Some rarer spotted Pez have even been found with 30 or more spots! While there’s no guarantee that you’ll find a spotted Pez when you buy a pack of candy, it’s definitely something to keep an eye out for next time you’re at the store.

Who knows – you might just get lucky and find your very own collectible Dispenser!

Pez Refills

If you’re a Pez fan, then you know that one of the most important parts of the Pez experience is having plenty of refills on hand. After all, what’s the point of having a Pez dispenser if you can’t enjoy a delicious candy every now and again? Fortunately, it’s easy to find Pez refills online and in many stores.

Here’s everything you need to know about stocking up on your favorite candy. Pez refills come in packages of 12 or 36 cartridges. Each cartridge contains approximately 50 pieces of candy, so if you go through a lot of Pez, it’s worth buying in bulk.

You can also find refill packs that include characters from popular movies or TV shows, so keep an eye out for those if you’re a collector. When it comes to price, Pez refills are very affordable. A pack of 12 cartridges typically costs around $5, while a pack of 36 will set you back around $15.

Not bad for all that sugar! So where can you buy Pez refills? Many drugstores and supermarkets carry them, but your best bet is probably online.

Amazon sells a wide variety of refill packs at competitive prices, and they often offer free shipping as well. Now that you know all about Pez refills, there’s no excuse not to have a constant supply on hand! Enjoy your candy responsibly – and don’t forget to share with friends!


If you’re lucky enough to have a stash of PEZ candy, you might be wondering how long it will last. The answer is…

it depends! Unopened packages of PEZ candy can last for up to two years, but once they’re opened, the candy will only last for about six weeks. So if you want your PEZ to last as long as possible, make sure to keep them in their original packaging.


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